A Message From Heather...Read On......
Thank You so much for checking in this morning. We have some very exciting News and a FUNTASTIC CONTEST to tell you about!!!!
I know lots of you out there are excited to hear how much money we raised for the Komen foundation through "blogs 4 boobies"
Insert drum-roll here......
Right now we are sitting at $ 859.99!!! Which is very exciting!!! However it is $140 shy of my goal of $1,000....
So I decided to donate $2 for every stamps set sold between midnight the 23rd and last night... and that brings us up to $ 899.99That is just WAY TOOO CLOSE!!!!!!
SO Here is what I am gong to do....
I am Upping our donation to $3 for every single stamp set sold this week . EVERY single stamp set sold NOW through Sunday Night at midnight will be $3 more donated to the Komen foundation. I will announce the grand total of money raised Monday @ 8:00 a.m. I want to bust through that $1000 mark.......
Well what do you say? Are you with me out there???????If you answered yes, please help us by spreading the word!
Please tweat,email,blog,and call all your friends who look pretty in ink!!!
Tell them to come shop for a cause and help us "stamp out cancer"
Hi Teresa, I'm going to enter this contest and you will be my friend since I saw it on your blog. Good luck to us!!