I want to thank everyone for visiting and commenting on my blog, you don't know how much I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! Really! Please comment only once, it will end at 8:00PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 25th. I will use Random.org for picking the wnner. I would like for you to answer the following question....What are your plans for the Memorial Day weekend?
This weekend don't forget to give thanks for our freedom and for those who have made it possible!
I will leave this at the top of my blog, please scroll down for my latest creation. I will be giving away another blog candy in the very near future, be on the look out for that one too!
Please feel free to post on your blog and tell all your friends! *~*
The goodies are:
BasicGrey Marrakech Pad 6x6
BasicGrey Porcelain Pad 6x6
1 pack of Mini pop dots
1 pack of Large pop dots
1 pack of Kaiser Amber Rhinestones
1 pack of Kasier Lemon Rhinestones
Approx. 50 yards of assorted ribbon
As always on Memorial Day weekend, I honor the memory of those who gave their lives in service to our country in war time and in peace. Being born during WWII several of the kids I went to school with had lost dads. Then as a young adult, I saw friends off to Viet Nam never to return, their names forever etched in The Wall. The brave men and women who have given the greatest sacrifice to our country deserve our rememberance and gratitude as do those who continue to serve today. With active military service family members, their welfare and dedication is always in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteOn a personal note, I will be helping with an SU Stamp Camp on Sunday afternoon at my upline's. She is a retired Army veteran.
Whatever your plans are for the weekend, be sure to fly the American Flag, attend a memorial service and thank God for those who gave us the freedoms we enjoy today!
Hi Teresa, I really enjoy visiting your blog. You give a lot of inspiration. So thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell my plans for this weekend is to relax. I will take my kids to our town's Memorial Day Parade. I do hope to convince my hubby to barbecue Sunday.
Hi Teresa - I love stopping by your blog to see what you have been up to. I will spend the weekend with family relaxing at a lake cabin here in Minnesota. Weather here sounds wonderful for the weekend.
ReplyDeletethis is a special weekend for me..as always..
ReplyDeletefirst in my thoughts are mydd..a WW!!vet..along with my uncles and family friends.who have served our country in ties of peace..and times of conflict and war..
ths weeknd evokes an inner feeling of reposct..honor..and rememberance..
i nowlonger liveenar to my dads grave..but generally.id place an american flag athis grave..to honor him..
this is also my officialWELCOME spring breakout weekend....getting the yard.pool.deck area ready for summer..and opening of our pool (*YAY!)..and of course..getting my veggie garden going..planting..etc..
and best of all..its a long weekend..with a relaxing overtone..and i get to spend it whth gary and chelsea..for me..an ideal family weekend..in so may ways..
I am off now to post a link to your wonderful blog(candy) on my blog sidebar...
enjoy YOUR weekend..and thanks for offering such wonderful candy!
I don't have any big plans. Just to go out with some friends for dinner and kick back and relax.
ReplyDeleteYard work & maybe a Memorial Day parage.
ReplyDeleteYes, I do say thank you to our men & women that served & are serving.
Wow, lots of amazing goodies, here Teresa :)
ReplyDeleteWe had our long weekend last weekend here in Canada. Kids had a Professional Development day on the Tuesday as well so it was going to be a 4 dayer. However, DS came home feeling bad on Thursday and puked 3 times that day, DD felt horrible on Friday so both kids stayed home that day and DH flew out Monday morning! The four days turned into six days with kids home - can you say no stamping time :( Luckily both kids were up and at it by Monday.
So in order to try to recover part of the long weekend and do something fun we went out and got our bedding plants and planter plants and planted them over the Monday and Tuesday. Thankfully the weather cooperated too. Unfortunately, the rest of the weekend was pretty low key so the kids could recover. Life in the fast line with kids I say LOL :)
Thanks for some yummy candy. Our plans for the weekend? A very dear friend just passed away and she'll be having a memorial day fittingly on Monday. Grandma Cook was my first stamping inspiration when she gave me and my DH a handmade card 13 years ago. It's a bittersweet moment for us. We'll miss her, but she's with the Almighty Savior now and I know she's in a much better place.
ReplyDeleteJust found your amazing blog, and so glad I did. Our plans for the weekend are to visit the graves of our fathers, who are both WWII veterans, then back home to do some much needed yard work, and relax. Really hopeing to spend some time in my scrap room. Your blog is amazing. I love your card creations, and am planning on CASEing some very soon. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteWell, since my husband is retired after serving 22 years in the Army we try to have a BBQ every year on Memorial Day to remember all those that have served the ultimate price for our country. We have about 50 adults and 40 children attending this year (in a very small yard I might add!).
ReplyDeleteThanks for a chance to win some fun candy!
I check out your blog everyday. Never commented before but I thought I'd give it a twirl. I am getting together with my sister for her birthday.
ReplyDeletethanks for the daily inspiration! I was happy to have found your blog, love your cards!! My plans for this weekend is to relax and enjoy myself... The past few weekends have been real busy with lots of running around, so I am happy to be mellowing out this weekend. Fleet week here in NYC so Ill chk out some of the festivities and get together with some friends.
ReplyDeleteFirst I would like to say how much I enjoy your blog, Teresa! I think most of the cards in "my favorites" on SCS are yours. I love your color combinations and your style - just the right amount of embellishment & bling. A great style.
ReplyDeleteWe had a family/friends pot luck dinner to celebrate the long weekend (last week here in Canada) - although having lived in the US for 30 years until 2006, I still refer to the May long week-end as Memorial Day week-end!!
Thanks for the opportunity for such great candy - I was eyeing those BG papers just this week!
God bless you,
Jacki T.
How sweet. I don't often comment when I visit, I'm always rushing to try to see so many different wonderful bogs, but IF I follow you, please know I check often even when I don't comment! Thanks for offering blog candy, but more importantly, thanks for sharing so much talent with us on a routine basis! I do appreciate your blog! This weekend I'm catching up on things preparing for a surgery on Friday, but after that we'll do the cemetary visits!
ReplyDeleteMy plans include reading, stamping and cooking out! I need some peace and quiet.
ReplyDeleteThanks for offering the great blog candy.
Wowzers, what awesome blog candy. I hope you have a wonderful holdiay weekend! I have enjoyed visiting your blog.
ReplyDeletewonderful blog...and lovely candy.. I will be resting, stamping, reading.
ReplyDeleteWOW what AMAZING blog candy!!
ReplyDeleteHopefully will have a restful and stampy weekend!
We may run up to Chattanooga to the Aquarium on Saturday.
We usually get together with family for a cookout but this weekend we'll be celebrating my youngest son's and one of my niece's birthdays - so that'll be our family get-together!
ReplyDeleteI'm a sucker for parades but we don't have one nearby. Wish you all a t'riffic Memorial Day - remember to thank a vet!
Hi Teresa, Unfortunately I have to work this weekend but plan on taking the kids to the park and maybe have a picnic dinner there. I'll have to play it by ear. I hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI work for most of the weekend but on Monday we will bbq with the family. Celebrating each of the members of the family who have served our country.
ReplyDeleteWhat fabulous blog candy! Love Basic Grey paper...isn't it just the best?
ReplyDeleteFor Memorial Day we are heading to town to go out to eat and may swing by the lake in our canoe. Looking forward to just spending time together and most thankful for the country we live in and those that sacrificed themselves for our freedom!
Have a great weekend!
Wow, that is some SWEET candy...thanks for this chance to win and for being so generous!
ReplyDeleteI live in Canada and we don't celebrate Memorial Day, but I really hope it warms up so I can plant my garden this weekend!
I love your blog...thanks for sharing all your amazing cards...what an inspiration! In fact, your Verve cards inspired me so much, I'm going to place an order!
Keepin' my fingers crossed...
~Brenda H.
What an amazing prize!! You have a wonderful blog and your work is very inspiring, so it's us who should be thanking you. :)
ReplyDeleteOur plans for Memorial day are to just be together. My hubby works long hours so we only see him for a little while each night. Since he's off that day, we're all gonna soak him up!
Thanks for the chance to win!
- April
Hey my friend - wow what a great candy you're giving us the chance to win and I thank you for that. We are planning on a big Memorial Day weekend - we are going to a cousin's wedding tomorrow evening and then plan on camping out in our back yard when we get back (we live on 7 acres full of trees - beautiful place) - some would say it's not full fledged camping, but it's a start :) I'm excited about making smores :) Jim and I are going out on the bike this weekend and I do so look forward to that. What are you and your DH planning? I hope the weather is going to be nice for you to take a ride - it is suppose to be pretty here - no more rain - HURRAY.
ReplyDeleteI am very thankful to all the men and women who are out there protecting each and everyone one of us - they are truly heroes.
Have a great one !!!!
I went to Hot springs for the weekend but Monday my Life Group at church is having cookout, lots of fellowship and fun
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! I just stumbled on it today and will be visiting more often! We plan on working around the house a few days and having a picnic here with all the kids and our grand daughter. Our church will be honoring all our veterans this Sunday and we will be attending as we do every Sunday. Thanks for the blog candy!
ReplyDeleteHey there, Teresa!! What wonderful blog candy (and I like that it doesn't have calories - lol!). This w/e I'll be working in flower beds and cooking to take a meal to a friend who had surgery. I'll be working Monday. Have a great w/e!
ReplyDeleteWhat great candy! Thanks for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on getting some weeding done in the gardens and putting down fresh mulch. Then just the regular weekend chores. And hopefully there will still be lots of time for stamping.
Hello Teresa,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for stopping by and leaving the lovely comment on my blog. Your cards are awesome and you have a beautiful blog!
Thanks for the chance to win some great candy!!!
In answer to your question, we will plan to celebrate my mother's birthday Sunday. My family and friends will be on hand to celebrate, which means I have a lot of cooking to do!!
Enjoy your holiday weekend:)
It sounds like our equivalent to Anzac Day (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) which Australians and New Zealanders celebrated on the 25th April.It is a day given over to remembering the brave who fought for our freedom. Our saying hare is "Lest We Forget!"
ReplyDeleteMore can be read here about the Aussie troops
Hope you all have a great day enjoying your freedom too!
this awesome...i would love to win...i think we are just going to stay home and relax...i am going to do a little scrapbooking and yard work...cook out with the neighbors...just fun stuff
What wonderful candy, I love coming to your blog... I get so inspired by your creations.
ReplyDeleteWe will be laying low this weekend, I have a couple orders of cards I have to get done.
Our Memorial day plans are to do something special with our DD who is going into the Navy in a few short days. (Our youngest son is already in the Navy. ) Maybe a trip to the ocean ...
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Memorial Day weekend yourself!!
This is always a hard weekend for me for a couple of reasons...my mother passed away 27 years ago on Memorial Day and my dad who was a Korean War veteran is gone now too. But I will still enjoy a family get together, my two sons and 3 daughters will all be here for a cookout.
ReplyDeleteI just found out that I get Saturday off of work! YAY! We're now going to go to the farmers market and the children's festival! What a great surprise :) Thanks Teresa, I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteWe had our long weekend last weekend up here in Canada. We went camping in Letchworth New York. It was fabulous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely blog candy opportunity. It is posted on my sidebar on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI truly enjoy your blog, I have been coming to visit it for about the past month.
This weekend my husband and I will be staying at home except for church on Sunday. Tomorrow morning my welcome flag will come down and our American flag will go up in front of our house. May God bless you with a safe and wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.
Hi, May 25th. is our 46th. Anniversary and my hubbie has invited me to a dinner at our favorite restaurant in LaJolla, Ca. and we will be spending the evening and walk the beach. Our children live in 3 different states, so its just the 2 of us - the way we started. Wishing all God's blesing and His protection to all our service people. happiness, Carol G.
ReplyDeleteJust hanging out today. We went to the boy's spring show today and the boys plan on going with scouts to put flags on graves at the Punch Bowl Sunday.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely NOTHING! I am resting up before I start a new job next week. I love your blog and you have amazing talent!
ReplyDeleteWell, I plan on spending my weekend creating cards. But also I will be visiting the Blog Hop sponsored by Cards for Heroes to help inspire us to create cards for the troops.
ReplyDeleteAnd on Monday, we're going to BBQ. So we'll get to enjoy the TX sunshine.
You've got great blog candy.
M.E. aka CMCMaryD@SCS
Hey Teresa, I loved your Verve cards last night at the release. I love your work, have a happy weekend :) My plans are to craft, craft, craft!! Hopefully I'll get a lot done :)
ReplyDeleteTeresa, always love coming by to see your gorgeous creations! Nice candy , wow ! We will be cooking out and cleaning up some from our kitchen remodel this Memorial Day but will be thinking for sure of our soldiers and flying the flag. Hugs to you !
ReplyDeleteHello! My plans on this weekend... well, i'll be cooking because i wait for the guests.
ReplyDeleteand i posted about your candy wait for the guests
This weekend our Catholic church celebrates anniversary, and as I sing in the choir these days will be spend in rehearsals and and of course in the Solemn Mass.
ReplyDeleteI put a link on my sidebar.
hello, Teresa, just found your blog through another blog and so I discovered your Blog Candy and I've enjoyed going through your blog! You have a wonderful blog. It's a treasure trove of inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteWe don't celebrate Memorial Day here in Germany. My plans on this weekend is working in our garden.
Thanks for offering up such wonderful blog candy it’s so generous of you! I've linked your candy on my sidebar
and many greetings from Germany
Ooh! How fun! That is some serious blog candy Teresa!
ReplyDeleteI'm in Canada, so we don't get Memorial Day Weekend. We celebrated Victoria Day last weekend, and since I was recovering from a sinus infection, we did absolutely nothing...it TOTALLY sucked!
Great blog you have going Teresa. I love seeing your creations, they're always so unique! I live in Canada so our long weekend was last week and I spent it with the family and just relaxed. Thanks for doing this giveaway and keep up the amazing work =)
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa,
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your creations. Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us.
This weekend, my DH & I are cooking out adn relaxing and spending time with family. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well.
My dad came for a visit, and we are working on this list titled "If only my dad were here, he would fix this" ... always a fun time. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteWhat fabulous blog candy! This year, dh works every day that I'm off...so not much "us" time. We'll do some yard work, and Sat is our oldest ds's birthday, he is 15, so we'll take him out to eat. I also hope to get in some pool time! Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend
ReplyDeleteMy plans for Memorial Day weekend are to relax with my family and enjoy their presence. I'm also planning on enjoying the relaxation by getting some time to scrap. Your blog is really cool- I'm glad I found it! I'll have to add it to my google reader so I can check back more often. Thanks for a chance to win those wonderful goodies. :)
ReplyDeleteI will be trying to catch up on some crafting, playing outside and some BBQ'ing of course!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Memorial Weekend!
Boy, do we have a jam-packed and FUN weekend :-)... First, yesterday I was able to buy the quilt and curtains for Emma's (my 2yo dd) new "big girl" room- pinks, browns, and a bit of green. This morning we bought the paint for the room (light pink on top, chocolate on bottom with hot pink/watermelon and green chunky stripes throughout the chocolate). Right now we have my business partner's two kids here while she and her hubby celebrate their anniversary. They are staying overnight.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow begins the 'big girl' room makeover.
Monday is our normal Memorial Day cookout (Ribs, Baked Beans, Corn on the grill, Watermelon, Strawberry Pie) and celebration. Hubby's brother was in the airforce for 20 years and served in the war in the early 90's.
(sorry for the long post but you asked, lol)
Thanks for the chance to win and as always... LOVE your blog!
Love your blog and thanks for the chance at blog candy. I work this weekend, so I went to the cemetary today. Thankful I have a job.
ReplyDeleteHello, thanks for your kind comment on my blog. Memorial Day?? We don't have a day over in NZ for that? But queens BD is next weekend and Im hoping to catch up with my special friend who I meet through stamping, who lives 3 hours away... hope the weather is fine!
ReplyDeleteI am a relatively new subscriber to your blog, having found you through SCS. I love your style and get inspired by your cards. Memorial Day is special to me, because my DH puts out our American flag, and we remember and are so thankful to the many who have given their lives to defend our freedom. I lost someone special in Viet Nam, so it's particularly hard to remember him, and I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to find and rub his name. Everyone in the military is special, and they and their families deserve our utmost respect! God bless America!
ReplyDeleteWe have a long weekend here in Belgium, but for another reason. We've already been to the zoo and don't have any other plans than just rest and pack suitcase for our trip to Paris! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
ReplyDeleteGreat blog candy. My husband is retired from the US Army and he served in the Korean and Viet Nam wars. I am thankful to God for keeping him safe. I really appreciate our service men and women and pray for them regularly, and their families.
ReplyDeleteWe will be going to church and also have a birthday party for our 3 year old great-granddaughter.
God Bless America and our troops.
Well our long weekend was last weekend and I went to see my parents for 2 days and then played ball Sunday and planted some flower pots for outside on Monday. This weekend we had ball, DS had ball and the girls have soccer pics and practice... That is all.. :)
ReplyDeleteWe don't really have any big plans.
ReplyDeleteWe did put out our American Flag, as we do every year, to remember all who have fallen for our freedom!!
We will probably have a bbq but nothing to big!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day!!!
No big plans here. I've got the house to myself, as my hubby is working at the Shriner's Rodeo this weekend... so I've been able to catch up on my blog reading!
ReplyDeleteNo really big plans for the weekend. I will be remembering all of the military men, past and present, saying a prayer for their safety, thanking God my son (Air Force) is home safely with me this Memorial Day and remembering all of the great war stories my dad told us during our childhood, and wishing I could hear just one more.
ReplyDeleteAside from that, maybe a small family cookout . . .but no serious plans.
This weekend my husband has gone to Canada with his brother & father to visit family...I couldn't get the time off, but it means more time to stamp when I'm not at work!
ReplyDeleteI also went up to my brother's house to paint his son's bedroom--the walls are blue, but it's going to be a red, white and blue room. Happy Memorial Day!
My plans for the weekend are some hardcore family time! I want to spend every minute possible interacting with all three of my kids and my husband. I know that sounds kinda selfish, but it just seems like time is passing too fast!!!! Teresa, your work is always so inspiring!
ReplyDeleteWOW Theresa, thanks for the opportunity to win such yummy candy. This Memorial Day I am working 12 hours in the ER. But my hubby will have some steaks grilled for me when i get home!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Theresa, my weekend plans are chock full of scrapbooking and card making along with spending some quality time with the hubby.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy this day that the Lord has made!
Hi Teresa, I've 'seen' you about over at SCS. I think this is the first time I've ever dropped in here though. Great blog. We don't have a Memorial Day here (Australia) but last month we had our ANZAC Day which is similar. I took a Tiawanese backpacker with me to the parade and wreath laying ceremony. It's a bit hard to describe how I felt when she said she was sorry she was leaving the country soon and didn't get time to get to know more of our history and traditions. I was moved. Traditions are important, especially ones that honour sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteHope you all have a great Memorial Day.
Yummy candy! Thanks for the chance at it!
ReplyDeleteSince I am in Canada, no plans! But we did finally enjoy our first warm weekend. Kids rocked the trampoline, baby sunned herself naked under her tent (we need all the Vitamin D we can get up here!) and DH and I lazed around. All good!
Happy Hi Teresa! I'm so glad that I've found your blog (via the Mojo Monday blog). Your creations are fabulous and a wonderful inspiration to all of us!
ReplyDeleteWe started the Memorial Day weekend by decorating our parents gravesites. Yesterday we bought a "Celebration Maple" tree to plant in our front yard for our 36 wedding anniversary. Otherwise, just catching up on things around the house and some FUN stamping time too! Enjoy YOUR weekend! Smiles, Pam :)
My plans are to get caught up on some crafty projects and tomorrow is my boyfriend's Birthday so I'll also find time to make him a cake and wrap his presents. Thanks for the chance to win super yummy candy!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog! Our plans are to visit my mom (next town over) and have a wonderful bbq later - hoping that the rain holds off! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day!
Hi Teresa,
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and check it daily. Yummy candy and thank you for the chance to win.
This has been a busy weekend. Saturday I finished grouting the bathtub tile, Sunday was church and today we will be having a BBQ with our bible study group.
Please remember to keep our military men and women in your prayers they sacrifice everything for our freedom.
This is awesome blog candy!! My plans for the weekend were to recover from finishing up school-DH & I are both teachers, plus we have three sons-and get my oldest graduated from hs. We got all that done on Friday, then I spent Sat., Sun., and this morning making thank you cards for all the generous gifts ds received. So far I've made 15 cards and have LOTS more to go!!
ReplyDeleteHi Teresa, Right now my family and I are in Connecticut visiting my sister and her family. We celebrated my nephew's sixth birthday with a barbecue. Hugs, Sarah
ReplyDeleteHello Teresa,
ReplyDeletewe will be relaxing with the family, and have dinner. I have family over every Sunday, so today it will be just us:) I will craft a little, and cook dinner for my family!! Hope you have a wonderful Memorial day hun!!!!
Also love your Beautiful assortment of blog candy!!!!
Hi Teresa, This looks like great candy. Thanks for the opportunity to win.I an in N.Ireland so it's not Memorial Day here ...just another Bank holiday in the rain, Ruth x
ReplyDeletetraveled to NC to spend time with family -- decorated before we left with the AMERICAN FLAG on the flagpole and Uncle Sam stuff character beside front steps! Happy Memorial Day! thanks for sharing all your creations -- you really have a eye for color combos -- thanks! Sandy W in VA