I received this fun fabulous award from my super duper good friend who happens to be my demo
Deb, check out her gallery and show some love! I am to tell seven of my favorite things. I am going to share fun things.....not in any order....
1. giving to others
2. Boxer puppies are a favorite
3. pizza
4. stamping time; especially with friends...hey Deb(wink)
5. a motorcycle ride on a beautiful sunny day
6. spending time with friends
7. new pjs and clean sheets especially in the summer with the windows open.

I need to nominate seven others...I will do that in a minute. I have been challenged to another "fun" challenge.
Kristin challenged me to this: Go to where you store your photos on your computer. Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo. Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it. Tag SIX people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know you chose them. Well, this is my photo...this was taken this past July 4 at
The Frontier Culture Museum, it is only one mile from our house. We have never visited there; it is free of charge on the 4th of July, so dh and I spent the day
enjoying other cultures. So here are the gals I am challenging...I have chose eight.
Can't wait to see everyones picture...enjoy, my friends!